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What to know about Kennel Cough

What Is Kennel Cough?

Kennel Cough, also known as Bordetella or Tracheobronchitis, is the most prevalent upper respiratory infection that is highly contagious amongst dogs, it’s as common as the common cold is to humans. Kennel Cough is spread through saliva and/or aerosolized particles from an infected dog, either through direct contact or through exposure to surfaces that an infected dog has had contact with.

Kennel Cough can present many symptoms, including dry hacking cough, gagging, wrenching, lethargy, loss of appetite, runny nose, goopy eyes. The dry hacking cough is usually the signature symptom. Unfortunately, these symptoms may not develop for up to 14 days, however, during these 14 days the infected dog is highly contagious, this is why it spreads so rapidly. 

Kennel Cough (Bordetella) Vaccine

Although many people believe that if their dog is vaccinated against kennel cough, they are not at risk of contracting the virus, this is false. There are so many strains of kennel cough that it’s impossible to vaccinate against all strains. So why vaccinate? The vaccine boosts the immune system so if a vaccinated dog contracts the virus, their symptoms should be less severe and therefore recover quicker than an unvaccinated dog. Please keep in mind that puppies, elderly dogs and immune compromised dogs are higher risk of experiencing severe symptoms due to their immune systems not being developed yet or have weaker immune systems. 

How Does A Dog Contract Kennel Cough?

Any of these places or situations can put your dog at risk of contracting the disease, however controlled environments are less risky. 

· Dog Parks   · Vet Visits · Grooming 

· Pet Stores · Dog walks along common paths where dogs frequent 

· Rescues · Shelters · Breeders · Kennels · Parks · Pet Festivals · Training Classes/Facilities · Daycare · Compromised Immune System · Elderly dogs 

Is Your Dog At Risk Of Contracting Kennel Cough?

Yes, all dogs are at risk of contracting Kennel Cough. Kennel Cough is easily transmitted when dogs cough or come in contact with each other or with contaminated surfaces. Even brief contact with an infected surface such as a bush, tree or sidewalk is enough to transmit kennel cough. 

Both the viruses and bacteria particles are airborne, so dogs catch it by inhaling those particles, whether or not the infected dog is present at the time. The bacteria and viruses may also “live” for several days on objects dogs come into contact with, such as toys, bowls, fences, grass and dirt, clothing and shoes.

Kennel Cough cab survive outside for a limited time, but is highly contagious until that point. You can also transmit kennel cough from an infected dog on your hands, clothes & shoes. 

How Can Pet Parents Minimize The Risk Of Their Dog Contracting The Virus?

· Avoid any uncontrolled environments, meaning any place that does not vet dogs for their vaccines such as dog parks, pet stores, popular walking trails, etc

· Only choose Groomers, Training Centres, Doggie Daycare Centres & Kennels that are diligent for verifying vaccines. 

· Only allow your dog to play with family and friends dogs that are vaccinated for Bordetella. 

· Feeding your dog nutritiously balanced meals to enhance immunity 

How is Kennel Cough Diagnosed?

Veterinarians usually rely on visible signs of the disease, specifically hacking or gagging coughs. Tip – Take a video of your dog coughing to show the vet. Some dogs don’t cough consistently so it may be hard for your vet to diagnose. In addition to physical symptoms, veterinarians may conduct laboratory tests, including bacterial cultures to assist with diagnosing. A positive response to antibiotics is also an indication of a Bordetella infection. 

How is Kennel Cough Treated?

Treatment varies based on your dog’s symptoms, history of health issues and your veterinarian’s preferred method of treatment. Your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics or a supportive therapy such a humidifier treatments & rest. If your dog needs help resting, cough suppressants may also be recommended, however coughing aids in breaking up any fluids in the lungs. Your veterinarian is the best source for treatment options for upper respiratory infections. 

What Preventative Measures Does Paws INN The Country Have In Place To Prevent Kennel Cough?

At, Paws INN, we take all precautions necessary to prevent Kennel Cough, starting with requiring all Vaccines be up to date before entering our facility. New clients are to confirm vaccines including the Bordetella vaccine are all up to date and we track vaccine schedules for all pets to remind clients of when their vaccines are about to expire. We also have a 7 day waiting period in place from the time the dog receives their Bordetella vaccine to when they can attend our facility. Dogs are to stay at home if they are not well or ill as well as notifying Paws INN The Country if they suspect their dog has kennel cough so Paws INN can notify any dogs that the infected dog had come in contact with, to prevent further spread of the virus. Paws INN also has a daily cleaning routine that includes the whole kennel, any play areas, toys, pools & dishes. The cleaning products we use are industrial disinfectants that are safe for pets. 

How Does Paws INN The Country Handle Cases Of Kennel Cough?

If your pup contracts Kennel Cough, the policy at Paws INN The Country is to contact Paws INN, so we can notify our other clients who’s dogs were in contact with your dog and contact your veterinarian immediately for advice. We require you to wait at least 72 hours from the time your dog is symptom free before returning to daycare. We ask that you please contact your vet for his or her opinion before returning as well. This is due to the contagious nature of the bacteria.

The cleaners used in our facility throughout the day, and after every single session, are formulated specifically for veterinarian environments, targeting and eliminating potential transmission of viruses and bacteria like Kennel Cough, Parvo, Distemper, even the human cold and flu (and recently shown to eliminate Covid-19 as well). 

If we observe coughing while in our care, we will isolate the pup until you are able to pick them up, and we will notify you immediately. We appreciate your understanding that our policies are driven by the priority we place on the overall health and wellness of all the dogs in our care. 


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